Monday, July 30, 2018

More thoughts about the collapse of our civilization – or why bottling the sun is so difficult

Few times in our life (in most cases, no times at all) can one assert confidently that he has stood in the frontlines of our species technological advance, and looked resolutely across the trenches, if we may use such a bellicose expression, and sized the strength of the enemy forces (which, in this case, are the unholy alliance of ignorance, barbarism, regression, poverty, need, hunger, conflict, tribalism, superstition and squalor that take over societies once science stops progressing and technology stagnates). And I’m sad to report to my attentive readers that the enemy forces are, indeed, much stronger than ours, and that sooner rather than later it is our fate to be overcome, and to witness the unavoidable collapse I referred to in the title of this post. My admired (and today not widely read) Arnold J. Toynbee finished the introduction to his monumental Study of History considering that may be Western Civilization (the inheritor of the Greco-Roman tradition) would be the first to escape the, until then inescapable, cycle of growth and decay that had bedeviled every previous differentiated human group until his own times. Sorry, Arnold, but you were wrong about that one, the West had its run, and it was a good one, but its days of vigor, its days of being able to successfully solve the challenges that its environment presented it with, are mostly over. Oswald Spengler is the one that got it right before you, and the West is, undeniably, in full decadence mode, and has been for almost half a century now.  However, and regardless of the apocalyptic image I’ve conjured, I will make in the following paragraphs a case for a guarded optimism.

But first, some background. I spent the last week trying to position my company to win a bid for doing some work at the heart of ITER, the experimental fusion reactor being built in Cadarache, in the French Provence. I won’t go into details of the content of the bid, as it is understandably very sensitive, but it allowed me to get a firmer understanding of how it is going, and what the future may bring to such ambitious and magnificent endeavor. Something I’m already quite familiar with, as we have been already working for them for the past eight years, and I regularly audit our work there, which allows me to monitor how things are going. Everybody just barely familiar with the history of the installation would tell you it is not going so well: when it was created (in the famous Geneva summit between Reagan and Gorbachev in 1985, conceptual design started in 1988 and was approved in 2001 -in a scaled-down version that already accepted the fact that it would not produce “sustainable, continued fusion”, but just “longish” pulses of it). At that time it was aiming at producing first plasma in the first decade of the XXI century. After some vicious political battles in its first decade of life (including where to build it, the abandonment of the project by the USA and its later return), it was settled in 2005 that France would be the place, the construction was initiated in August 2010 and the production of “first plasma” was pushed back to the end of the second decade of the century (for a critical account of the situation, see The really screwed up history of fusion energy ).

As is wont to happen in these complex projects where you push hard again the limits of what we, as a civilization, can produce, costs kept ballooning (current price tag is calculated to be around 20 billion euros, but I don’t know of anybody who thinks it can actually be completed at that cost, which does not include the payments in kind by the “Domestic Agencies” of some of the costlier components), planned milestones kept not being met and the current expected date for first plasma has been pushed back to 2025. A date that, between you and me, is not very likely to be met either, as the tougher, most complex part of the construction has yet to be started: assembling the cryostat and the vacuum vessel that should contain the fusion reaction, something that until now, as far as we know, in the whole damn universe, only happens in the heart of the stars.

Well, in the heart of the stars and in each one of the thirty of so Tokamaks that have been built so far (give or take a few ones in secret military facilities that have obviously not been counted) plus in the dozens of explosions (thankfully, only for testing purposes) of hydrogen atomic bombs that rely on fusion to unleash the stupendous amounts of energy they are famous for… and, in case you missed it, ITER is still not going to “produce” energy in any meaningful sense. To keep the fusion reaction going for a few seconds (which would already be a huge technological success, and an epochal advance over everything achieved so far, as in the biggest experimental installations built to date the fusion happens in “pulses” of a few milliseconds) it will require gargantuan amounts of electricity to feed its ravenous magnets (the “bottle” that keeps the plasma confined, and thus dense enough for the light hydrogen atoms to collide and form helium, freeing energy in the process, is made of ultra-powerful magnetic fields that need as much electric power as a small city to run). What you typically see at the side of any self-respecting power plant (a park of transformers to convert the electricity it generates into high-voltage before pouring it in the grid, so it minimizes the transport losses) is also here, and at a humongous scale, but for the opposite purpose (not to convert the energy it generates to a higher voltage, but to convert the energy it consumes to a lower one).

So, you may wonder, why are we spending vast sums of money in a project whose end result always seems to be twenty years away? Indeed, this last year has been rife with smallish companies promising alternative approaches to achieve fusion reactions for a fraction of the cost, in a few years, that would make ITER entirely redundant (a brief summary of some of them here: Alternative technologies for fusion (if you thought Tokamaks weren't loony enough) ). Well, not to put too fine a grain around it, those brilliant, bold, innovative schemes have, as Charles Seife put it in the first link I provided, “a snowball in hell’s chance of ever coming to fruition”. I can think of only one way of losing your money that is even surer than investing in a fusion startup promising a revolutionary fast & cheap (compared with the existing “establishment” path of ITER and Lawrence Livermore’s National Ignition Facility) track to commercial fusion energy: burning it in a chimney. And in the chimney scenario at least you can get some comfort out of it, in the form of heat and light, which is more that you can say of the first option… Explaining why it is so will take me the rest of this post, and will allow me to weave many of my previous hunches about the root cause of our technological stagnation and impending civilizational collapse, as the main cause of the collapse is the inability to give answer to the growing challenges we face, an inability that is in turn caused by the stagnation, or rather the stagnation is but one of the most apparent manifestations of such inability.

But before we discuss the complex realities of how scientific knowledge is transformed in usable technologies that actually change how we live and work, it is of some interest to wonder why is the media (and, apparently, a good number of naïve VC investors) stubbornly not reporting this, and falling once and again for the hucksterism of this miracle solution to all of humanity’s energy needs. Hint: it doesn’t apply only to energy… In this case, the American journalists, science writers, publishers, and public in general, have all been successfully primed to enjoy (and find so satisfying as to not get too caught on little tiny weeny details like the overall plausibility of the story) news about the sclerotic bureaucracy prevailing in other countries, especially in old Europe, as opposed to the dynamism, entrepreneurship and can-do (which so easily morphs into gung-ho) culture of the greatest country on earth (conveniently, theirs’). So a lumbering, multi-national, state-funded giant project taking place in foreign shores (and what shores! In a most traditional part of most socialist France, no less!), with a governance structure that isolates it from any kind of “market signal” (an isolation that is extremely noticeable when you present something in their great council room, festooned with the photographs of the heads of the organization, invariably old males with suits and ties) is just too good a target to let it pass, even more so when compared with the wild dreams of young private enterprising men with only a thin veneer of engineering or physics and lots of management jargon sprouting from their mouths, invariably clad in jeans and polo shirts and with presentation skills honed in TED Talks and the VC circuit.

But let us not be sidelined by the vagaries of the new-technology-pimping branch of the publishing industry (“Science”, the “MIT Technology review” and the like). They have a laughably poor track record identifying what technological trend may actually work and prosper, as they are too invested in the results and too blinded by the interests of advertisers, direct and indirect. They are not the real culprits of our, by now almost half a century long, technological stagnation (outside of the limited realm of data processing and transmission). The real root cause, then? My humble, partial, not necessarily fully-formed opinion is that “research” (something notoriously difficult to define rigorously, I’ll take mostly the idea of “Research programs” as developed by Imre Lakatos) has gone mostly off-track. Physics is stuck in a rut since the middle of the last century (when the formulation of the Standard Model was essentially completed), and since then it’s been mostly a long, torturous trip to nowhere through the rabbit hole of string theory and supersymmetry. Chemistry is (as much as chemists hate to recognize it) essentially a branch of physics after Pauli’s unification and explanation of the periodic table and its elements’ features by the structure of their electrons’ orbitals.

As a side note/ rant, the situation has been aggravated by the mostly pathetic attempt of the humanities to catch up applying the same failed methodology that essentially killed all progress in physics: isolate the most advanced students in universities and create a separate career path for them consisting essentially in reading each other’s mental masturbations, in a language as arcane and uninteresting as possible (because hey! If everybody could understand it everybody could judge and contribute, and how do you justify appropriating an increasing slice of the social pie by a coterie of self-proclaimed experts then?). What incentives do we provide to “researchers”, doesn’t matter of what discipline? What do we pay them differentially to deliver? Discoveries? Ranked by their usefulness? Nah, that’s too difficult to plan and measure. We incentivize them to write, and to publish in peer reviewed journals, even if what they consistently keep producing and publishing is utter rubbish, lacking any interest to anybody outside of their more and more reduced field. Sounds too harsh? Anybody from the inside, when considering things with equanimity, will end up agreeing: Academic books are not meant to be read . Please note that I do not intend to have a recipe for solving such sorry state of affairs (other than my modest proposal to close all humanities faculties and universities, and look for alternative ways of teaching them that allowed its practitioners to escape from the gilded cage which currently lines their pockets -modestly-at the price of killing their creativity and ability to innovate). I can only give notice of how messed up things are, and how we are paying as a society for such state of affairs much more dearly than what we think.

To make things worse, the organizational environment in which much of that research takes place has really been assigned a different purpose by the powers that be. Ideally, universities should be hallowed places where knowledge for knowledge’s sake is cherished and celebrated, where the truth is selflessly pursued and transmitted, where the new generation of scholars and researchers, of inventors and entrepreneurs are taught by their generous predecessors the building blocks of their respective disciplines. Which is nice and lofty and good, if it happens at all in a most residual way. Because, as much as it pains me to say it, the real goal of universities, what determines if they languish or prosper, if they get stupendous funds to furnish dazzling facilities and attract the most sublime talent is not how good they are at generating new knowledge and finding truth, but how good they are at providing a competitive advantage to their students in a labor market deemed to be ever more competitive (all those brilliant Indians and Chinese youngsters, coming from a tradition of much harder work and study than our own kids! In an ever more open and globalized economy! Man, nothing short of Yale or Harvard can guarantee our scions a good shot at the good life if they have to compete with those work-obsessed Asians!) We lavish money and resources on universities for them to produce… as much social stratification and lack of social mobility as possible. The search for truth, and knowledge, and the advancement of science ara an afterthought, and they will foster as much as is compatible with their primary goal, the one their alumni and the parents of their prospective students are really willing to pay big bucks for: giving their graduates a leg up in the game of life.

So the only thing I can recommend is that we stick to our guns in those areas where some advance, costly as it may look like, is being made, regardless of how slowly it proceeds or how much more costly it ends up being than what we initially projected. For example, and back to my original line, at some point in the next two to three years ITER will reassess its schedule and recognize it needs even more money to be completed, and a few more years (so no first plasma in 2025, although given the current level of the works it may be as soon as 2027 or 28). That money and extra time should be granted as, again, this is our best bet, as a species, to do something that is really remarkable, epochal, worthy of being remembered by future ages of the world. Look, I love Wikipedia, find Waze convenient and think Amazon makes my life much richer and easier. But I don’t think the XXI century will be remembered by any of them. The iPhone is a technological wonder, but again, I don’t see it exciting the imagination of the citizens of the XXXI century much more than our own imagination is excited by the little clay models of ships that the Egyptians produced (and that can be admired in any medium-sized archaeology museum): an ingenious bauble, an amusing and pleasant-looking toy not especially worthy of respect or admiration. But replicating what happens at the heart of the magnificent fiery balls of primordial fire that light the firmament for minutes on end! Whoa, that is something indeed that would put all previous achievements of the human race to shame!

Of course, we may shrug collectively our shoulders and say that such intergenerational, inter-civilizational comparison is childish to begin with, and we should better invest our efforts in more pressing, immediate concerns like ending world poverty, or curing preventable diseases (and then non-preventable ones) and curing death itself. I concede that those are all equally worthy endeavors, that if achieved would also merit the unbounded admiration of the ages. But none of them is likely to succeed if we cannot first solve the so far unsolvable problem of making readily available enormous amounts of energy to power desalination plants, pharma laboratories, research facilities, agricultural implements and the like that are required as a precondition for those other equally super-worthy goals, without toasting ourselves or making the planet inhabitable through hothouse gasses emissions. Yep, I know that one experimental facility, doesn’t matter how big, in a remote corner of France doesn’t automatically solve that problem either, but not being able to complete it because we, as a society (or rather, as a collection of societies that includes the most populous, the most economically advanced, the one with most scientific resources at its disposal and the best governed of our little world) just couldn’t muster the willpower and couldn’t sustain the effort for long enough would speak volumes of what we are really made of.

That’s why at the beginning I resorted to a military metaphor, in which I saw myself (even more so if I can close the deal and end up participating more directly in the enterprise) as carrying the banner of a technological society with science, empiricism and a concern for the common welfare on its side, as aligned against the forces that have overpowered our species for millennia. Not being able to complete ITER would be a major loss in that eternal struggle, a confirmation that our best days are behind us, that we reached indeed a peak in what we as a species are capable of, and what we can expect now at best is to hold our ground and decline gently and slowly as we squander the non-renewable resources of our finite planet, squabbling more and more violently for a perpetually shrinking pie. Look, I have seen firsthand what renouncing to big, complex, technologically advanced projects does to a society, because that is for all practical purposes what we have been doing with nuclear energy (what we now call “conventional nuclear”) and long range space exploration involving humans. When it got complex we essentially abandoned innovation, and got contented with what we already had achieved, and you know what? In technology, as in physical fitness, there is no “maintenance mode”. You either progress or regress.

And boy, are we regressing! When it comes to building nuclear power plants we are well behind what we knew (collectively, although such skill was mastered by some societies much more than by others) how to do routinely forty years ago: Olkiluoto in Finland, Flamanville in France (and most likely Hinkley Point and Wylfa in the UK) will most likely be super-costly failures not because “nuclear energy” in abstract has stopped being profitable. That’s as silly as saying that building ICE cars has stopped being profitable, or that building desktop computers has stopped being profitable (both things that may also be close to being claimed by unsubtle analysts of social reality), which really means that conditions have changed and we, as a society, without much conscious deliberation or enlightened debate, have changed the rules of the game so certain activities and developments that made sense before stop making sense now. Which is all well and good, I’m not saying we shouldn’t change the rules ever, as we learn of the true cost of some technologies, and try to internalize what were borne before by all of us as externalities (so we ended up paying all the same, regardless of who benefitted by them).

But that shouldn’t hide the fact that the real reason every new reactor (started after 2000) in the “western world” will be a costly failure is, first and foremost, because we as a society have lost the collective know-how to be able to build them as planned. Simple as that. We don’t know how to lift the heavy components. We do not know how to erect the tubing and leak test the pressure equipment. We do not know how to weld and inspect the welding to the necessary standards… Now, don’t take me wrong, I’m not saying there isn’t a single individual on the face of the Earth with the ability to do each of those mildly difficult activities, what I’m saying is there are not enough of them to plan for them properly, to perform them at the required rate and cost, and to teach a new generation of engineers, draughtsmen and operators how to keep on doing them and refining them predictable and at scale.

And such a loss of collective ability permeates all the rest of the economy. Yes, we have become better at installing wind turbines (and don’t get me wrong, that is something great and to be celebrated also), yohooo! And to line a field with PV cells… but that doesn’t have the same cascading effect, that doesn’t lift the technological level of a whole society, that doesn’t serve as a seedbed for engineering talent as much as the building of massive nuclear plants did in the second half of last century. And it shows. Any other sector ends up being penalized by such lack of big projects, technologically ambitious, that forced the engineering schools to churn out graduates and attracted those graduates to use and develop their technical skills in the first place.

A very similar story could be told about manned space flight. You may have read that Elon Musk achieved a significant milestone this year by launching in February his Falcon Heavy rocket (essentially, three Falcon 9 rockets ungainly put together), the biggest, most powerful rocket in operation by far… and about half as powerful as the mighty Saturn V that took the first humans to the moon… in 1969! If you follow the industry, you find a very similar story: after the demise of the Saturn program we just have lost boatloads of knowledge and experience, that some private firms are trying to recover, amid many setbacks, delays, unexpected accidents and uncountable difficulties. Because, again, when technology stops progressing it immediately starts regressing, and in most fields that’s where we are at: installing windmills is something we know how to do since a millennium ago, and PV we essentially mastered a century ago, we have just decided to do it at a bigger scale and thus make it not so dastardly expensive, although they are still expensive enough not to grow at all the moment you stop subsidizing them. But don’t suffer, we can collectively decide to subsidize them as much as we like, that would simply be the exact reverse of “nuclear energy is not profitable”, and thus it is entirely within our power: it is us collectively, as a society, who decide what is profitable and what is not by setting through laws and regulations what level of safety and innovation we are willing to live with.  

Which doesn’t mean that we cannot reverse such regression, through renewed effort and considerable investment (mostly public, sorry but private money is timid and risk averse, and tends to flow only to potential monopolies where it can be assured of predictable, above-average returns). The question that arises, then, is “this” (be it ITER, or big thermosolar plants that never seem to work, or mega-constellations of satellites in Low Earth Orbit that nobody seems to know how to monetize) what we should be investing big bucks in? aren’t there other big science projects that could deliver us cleaner energy “at command” (baseload, regardless of how much the wind blows or the sun shines, factors that are still out of our control)? Well, there are: Next Generation Nuclear (keep on dreaming...) but don’t hold your breath for society suddenly deciding forty years of maligning every form and shape of nuclear energy has been a costly error and changing course… To illustrate the folly of such expectations I will bring in a personal note: Do you know who wrote her PhD dissertation on the design of a molten salt reactor (which, according to the linked article, is the spearhead of the most promising technology to correct all of traditional nuclear evils)? My mom, that’s who. Forty years ago (already w five kids delivered). And it seemed back then as close to being commercially viable as it probably seems to the journos at “Wired” today. So I wouldn’t be surprised if my own sons (or grandsons) write forty years from now how advanced and promising some designs for “new nuclear” look like and how they are the best option to decarbonize the economy, something that at the current speed will still not have happened fifty years from now, as all the increase in renewables has gone to substitute the aging nuclear park, (i.e. a non-CO2 emitting energy source is essentially replacing another non-CO2 emitting energy source), and in the meanwhile we have not minimally dented the total production of very-CO2-emitting coal and fuel plants, or created the capacity to move around in electric cars…

So the best case for guarded optimism I can make (if you can call optimism considering the new dark ages will come in fifty to one hundred years, instead of in a couple of decades) is that at least, in a few areas, through the joint investment of most advanced economies, we are still trying to progress. It is ugly, and costly, and will still break our hearts a number of times when new delays are announced and additional cost overruns are uncovered and expected milestones keep not being met, but we are still putting our best talent on it. “It” being doing things that were never done before, and thus pushing the technological frontier of what our species is able to achieve, and thus keeping the flame of hope alight that the complex challenges that we face as a society may be, if not ultimately solved, at least ameliorated. Because when that flame of hope is extinguished, and people stop believing the future may be better than the present, and all we can expect is more of the same in terms of misery, squalor, inequality and a degrading environment, they tend to have little patience for the existing social compact, and that’s when the pitchforks and the torches come out, and the powerful of today can start worrying…  

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